Corporate Coaching, Group Coaching and Facilitation
Challenges faced by modern organizations and groups:
Over the past few decades, organizations were driven by results and outcomes. The purpose was to meet or exceed targets and to increase the bottom line. This was necessary and instrumental for the creation of a successful enterprise.
Whilst this is still paramount and the reason for business existence, business owners are beginning to realise the importance of employees – not only in the “traditional” sense of reward and recognition, but the focus is now also on the human aspect and internal drivers – the so-called EQ. There is a growing sense of purpose; an unease about the need to add value and fulfilment. This needs to be a mutual process; both employees and management needs to acknowledge and support this culture (paradigm shift).
One only needs to look at the increase in people attending personal development seminars to realise this. Channelled correctly it can be hugely beneficial to the organisation.
- Ever-increasing time pressures to produce work within strict deadlines.
- Downsize trends. Pressure to increase rather than reduce, more pressure on performance
- Greater focus by management on staff emotions – emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) rather than IQ
- Management of performance has changed; management can no longer use the ‘big stick’ approach to encourage staff. At the same time, monetary rewards alone do not guarantee lasting performance or loyalty. Each person needs to perform because they want to, in order to optimise resources
- The psychological contract. Employees are now seeking organisations that will help them reach their own personal goals at the same time as they help the organization to reach its own goals and targets (giving rise to the enlightened employer)
- Growing emphasis on maintaining a supportive culture within an organisation for the retention of quality staff.
The Role of Coaching
Coaching is a facilitative, structured process. Corporate Coaching facilitates and supports the individual’s development and performance in the business. It permits and equips people to find their own solutions, develop skills, modify behaviours and change attitudes, for the benefit of the organization. The coach is an independent outsider who can support individuals and groups within an organisation to focus with clarity.
Expected Outcomes:
There are mainly three aspects consider and align: Business drivers, Management drivers and Employee drivers.
Corporate Coaching assignment can specifically address:
- Employee values supporting company values
- Company values supporting employee values – in the most efficient way
- Increased clarity, focus, effectiveness
- Communication. How to effectively get the message across. The message is not delivered if the other party does not fully understand.
- Buy-in to that message
- Personal drive and a sense of fulfilment by employees
- Goal setting and alignment
- All the “soft” issues – drive for performance, strengths/weaknesses, attitudes, personalities
- Cohesion, teamwork
- Leadership development and growth
- Bottom line and brand improvement
I work within a mandate which will support organizational culture, vision, mission and values.
Sessions include facilitation, brainstorming, group workshops and individual sessions at company premises.
Since every organisation is different and requirements very specific, I will consult with management and deliver a tailor-made proposal addressing specific requirements, timelines, cost, subcontractors, critical success factors, confidentiality boundaries, required resources, expected outcomes and measurements.
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What prevents this to occur naturally in the workplace?
Typical challenges that people as part of organisations face include:
- rganisational change
- Performance management
- Balance Personal and career change
- Relationships and conflict handling
- Team performance
- Personal agendas, reactions and egos
Get In Touch
I look forward to serving you towards optimal inner wellness, your highest potential
and personal leadership, and to Live Your Truth!