As the myth goes, Demeter, goddess of agriculture and fertility, was grieving her daughter Persephone, who had been abducted by Hades. Overcome with sorrow, she cursed the Earth with barrenness, so that no crops were produced, and a great famine spread.
Grief-stricken, she wandered the earth disguised as a peasant woman, looking for her daughter.
One version of the myth has her arriving at the house of a family, exhausted and distraught, looking for shelter and nourishment. Baubo the servant, known for her bawdy humour and ability to make people laugh, offered Demeter a bowl of food and water to drink. But the goddess was too lost in misery to eat.
So Baubo did what she did best. When her laughter and jokes failed to move Demeter, she broke into a dance, promptly lifted her skirt, and exposed her vulva (in the literature – you will find the word “genitals”).
Can you imagine the demure Demeter’s face! Shocked, offended, horrified by this absurdity, all she could do was burst out laughing. Or at least, as the myth goes, she smiled.
And for the first time since Persephone’s abduction, with her defences broken down, she felt a sense of relief and comfort.
Baubo did not care to humiliate herself or to be the butt (pun intended!) of a joke or ridicule. She was far too secure for that, as a Crone who did not care what others thought, but only cared to spread some joy and a glimmer of hope.
And so, Baubo’s playful and lighthearted antics helped to bring Demeter out of her grief and restore the fertility of the earth. From that day on, Baubo was revered as a goddess, and her story was told and retold as a reminder of the power of humour and playfulness to heal and transform.
Now I want to ask you:
Can we learn something from Baubo in our modern culture of taking everything so seriously, of being so offended by the slightest thing, of always seeing the worst in every situation?
How could you use Baubo’s energy, as the archetype of secure humour, playful wisdom, and grounded mirth in your daily life, and even in your challenges?
I reckon it is worth a shot. If not lifting skirts, at least we can lift the corners of our mouths hey!
#transformation #archetypes #baubo #humour #soulalignment
About the Author:
Celeste Du Toit is a Durban-based Soul Alignment Coach. Through Transformational Coaching, Family and Systems Constellation work, and Holistic Therapies and Bodywork, she helps you shed layers of past beliefs and patterns, moving you closer to the life your heart knows is possible.
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