I found her hiding in the dark behind the curtains, awkwardly peering out into a strange world. Shy, fearful, suspicious.
With eyes full of wisdom. Yet utterly distant, uninterested, and unengaged.
Fearful to use her mystical power and her knowledge. Uncertain, in a world where it has no place.
Why? Because of possible retribution? Because of the wound she still carries from those times they were hunted, tied, and burnt?
Why, oh why dear Child, do you carry this?
Sometimes she disappears in her own mystical world, often falling asleep there, sometimes for days at a time.
She is tired. Tired of trying, of reaching out, of speaking. And not being heard. Or being ridiculed, brushed over, ignored.
Her mind struggles to be here, to concentrate and focus on the stuff that she must know, like, or remember to function here. To action the mundane, the ordinary, and the necessary.
Because she sees so much more. So, so much more.
But that does not help her here.
Because they do not understand, not yet.
So, she must also learn to be here.
But she forgets how to, even after being told a hundred times.
She tries, but not hard enough.
She has lost the spark and the drive to participate.
She alienates herself, and retreats further into the shadows, behind the curtains.
She is too tired.
Tired of her resistance to keep her heart open, to keep trusting, to keep loving.
Tired of pushing people away because she is too distant, too uninvolved, too judgemental.
Tired of being so tired within this world, this world that can not see what she sees.
Suddenly, Athena steps into the room. Always practical, she knows exactly what to do. She knows the Child has to master certain skills, straighten her act out, and get on with it. She cannot risk letting the Child make the ignorance of the world responsible for her not showing up, or blame her insignificance on others while she continues to slumber in her mystical abyss. She must own the responsibility. She must participate.
The Child knows it too.
But she does not know how to get out of the slumber.
So Athena tasks her to sleep. Not to rest, but to actively discipline her body to recuperate and strengthen. To master the temptation of the mystical and enigmatic dreamworld, so she can get her hands dirty. To be so present that she can command deep sleep.
To get out of her perpetual slumber she must sleep, so that she can wake up. She must know the difference.
She must heal her weariness and fatigue by doing something about it, so she can roll up her sleeves.
She must command her inner authority to silence the incessant temptation to shrink or to hide. She must refuse to give agency to the unseen realms over her mission in the seen world.
She must bring the mystical into the physical.
She must sleep, like a master.
She knows what to do.
#LiveYourTruth #soulalignment #workingwitharchetypes
About the Author
Celeste Du Toit is a Holistic Soul Alignment Coach, dedicated to guiding you back to your truest essence. Her work focuses on archetypal imbalances and misalignments in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Her intuitive, body-centered pathways lead to self-discovery, balance, and clarity.
Whether online or in-person at her home studio in Westville, KZN, she creates a space for you to move beyond limitations to Live Your Truth.
If you’re ready to embrace a life of deep alignment, soulful growth, and true transformation, you’re in the right place!
Connect with me: https://celestedutoit.co.za/
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